Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Randomness of random

random post i know but thats what i'm all about really. grr firefox's spell checker sucks. ah well. thats all good though. more random than random itself. can't be possible. just typing what i think atm. blah blah.

it seems blah is in the dictionary but grr aint. and aint aint, Wow, so bored before work today, pretty sure i start at 2pm, so ill leave a 1pm to get there at the right time, better to be early and wrong than be late and wrong. OMG, is not in the dictionary. and yes i know i can add them if i want to, but they are not real words, therefore don't deserve it.

Ah babies are all fun when they are happy, when they aint its a bit grr slap. well not really. should not be hitting da kids. rather than teaching them its wrong. i gots a niece and a nephew. they both cool as. less than a year old each.

my niece is about 8 months old or so and she is climbing on everything. just learning to land on her bum when she falls over. hmm random ending.

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