Friday, October 12, 2007

intelligence vs non-intelligence

well im trying to talk to someone that does not like, "big" words. as supposedly ppl will make fun if used. which in my opinion is utter bullshit but thats just me. i don't know what to do at the moment. as it is annoying not being able to talk the way that i do. which is using a lot of the english language.

Oh well. i shall have to learn to "dumb" down my speech a lot so that its not humiliating for other ppl. maybe this was not meant to be, i don't know, but its going well so far.

Anyway that said. i shall still exerscize my vocabulary on here. and other places. that people will understand them. the word "pun" is not even big, nor hard to understand. as it just means that a word or sentence has can have a double meaning. or alternative meaning.

I been told its a good thing that i get bought down to others level. dont see how though. but im sure i can make her use the reasonable lingo.

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