Thursday, May 3, 2007

Linux and gaming

Since I am somewhat of a gamer I thought that I should explore the world of gaming on other O/S' rather than just windos. I have found out recently that you are able to install World of Warcraft onto linux using a program called wine. Wine is and interface so that programs that are made to work with MS windows can also work with Linux. which is great for those whom want to use linux but still be able to play those games that are made for windows. this works even better if the games you want to play use openGL for graphics instead of DirectX since openGL is an opensource graphics thing, and DirectX is microsofts graphics thing.

This is also the way the Microsoft are trying to control the O/S industry by controling what graphics platform the game industry use. ATI and nVidia both said that they would make openGL drivers for their gfx cards for Windows VISTA and Microsoft said that they were not allowed. I dont quite understand it myself but it somehow makes game developers think about what graphics platform they use for thier games. i just hope that a lot of them choose to use openGL instead of DirectX for future games. that way they can be either ported to linux by 3rd party developers or done by the companies that made the game themselves.

anywho, in some of the searching i have done with reguards to gaming a linux i have found that there are tonns of games out there, a lot of them are free and offer some limited gaming experiance, then there are the comecially available ones. like Neverwinter Nights, Quake II and III + other games that use the Quake II and III engines. as they are opensource. Most of Id's old game engines are now opensource so people are making them better and also making their own games aswell. which is great. as a lot of them will be free, even if they are not they will be worth purchasing so they can make more good games with great engines.

I just wish that other commercial companies would make their game engines opensource or at least feesable. or at least compatible with openGL.

Well i shall be adding more links to the menu on the right, adding links to games for linux, and other opensource stuff.

On another note. there are lots of people that have problems with companies making money by selling products for Linux, I dont see why they should, they have to make money somehow. even if they made the game engines free and charged for the content. a bit like the client.

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