Monday, April 30, 2007


My main PC is out of action at the moment due to HDD failure, so I am using a computer that was given to me. Running Fedora Core 6 on it at the moment. which is running nice and slow because it does not have enough ram. Might do something about that soon, as well as getting it a new HDD current one is a really old 20GB maxtor. it will do for the OS.

Going to use this as a linux Storage system, once i figure out how to get the windows network sharing working. wont be too hard. i shall just look it up on google.

Which is what this post is about, Linux. Most people should know what it is by now. If not, it is a free operation system, Free as in freedom, although most Distributions are free of charge as well. if you want professional support you have to pay for it. which is fair enough, it seems to make them enough money to be giving it away for free. The only real difference with Microsoft is that you have to pay for the Operating system up front which pays for the software and some support. apart from the current system that im running it on, its faster than windows. hope it stays that way. would be faster if i had it on a better system.

Ah well. gotta figure out some things.

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