Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Another year almost over.

Well it's the 26th here, and we have another christmas over. It was a fun day, another of the gathering relatives, although since my granddad died about 15 years ago. it has never been the same. when he was alive we used to all go round to my grand parents house and have a big family gathering, my family, my uncle and auntie and their children, twas good times, although now that we are all older and granddad has been gone for a while, we are all spread out over the place which makes getting together on the day a rather expensive affair for some.

And the family has also grown somewhat a lot since then as well. as far as i know there are 3 new spouses or soon to be at least, and 4 children added to the family,3 of those children are my niece and nephew, the 3rd is yet to be determined. and 2 soon to be sister's in law.

Now there is just me and 3 of my younger brothers to start families, can't wait till that day happens for me at least, although needing a better job or at least a higher paying one.

Then the clan will be growing a lot, but being that all wonderful insecure guy that i am, also a big pessimist when it comes to that sort of thing. man i need to get my life sorted big time. and think about the future. ah well, it will come in time i guess but im not getting any younger, only 24 though, almost 25, and no prospects of getting hitched at this point.

What is the average age that persons get married and or start a family? tis a worthy question, although not one that needs to be pondered on so much as getting out of a depression of sorts, when it comes to thinking about not having a future with any offspring to think of, therefore i may be lead to believe that i may live a life of solitude and be happy for my brothers, for the children they have brought forth.

Ah well, there is always the new years resolution of taking control of my future, or allowing GOD to tell me what when and where everything will happen. i must just surrender myself to him, and let my future happen, im sure that there will be a family in there somewhere.